Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This Day in History: May 14th

This Day in History: Delegates begin to assemble in a spot which would gain recognition as the "cradle of liberty"- Philadelphia- preparing to attend a meeting which will change the world- the Constitutional Convention- the first time a society shook off the rule of an opposing nation and wrote its own laws to guide a country, many of them dining at another place that had become famous- the Old Ci...ty Tavern- where Thomas Jefferson had spent time while writing the Declaration of Independence, 1787; English physician Edawrd Jenner successfully tests his smallpox vaccine and later gets a town named after him, Jennersville in southern chester County, PA., 1796; Lewis and Clark start on an exciting road trip, 1804; a machine goes up in the heavens to bring back information on how the universe works, Skylab being launched to increase scientific knowledge, 1973; 'Ol Blue Eyes- Frank Sinatra- passes away at the age of 82, but his tunes live on forever, 1998

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